Thursday, June 28, 2018


It was just an ordinary band aid covering a tiny scratch on my right knee which I incurred while cutting away pricker bushes in the yard. But it was the scenario prompting it's placement by my little granddaughter which transformed it from ordinary to magical and prompted me to wear it for days longer than necessary.

I had arrived at the appointed hour to babysit wearing a tiny drop of dried blood on my knee, insignificant to me but a mortal wound demanding immediate attention from  Lina's eyes. "Grandma you have to let me help you" she insisted. She led me to the bathroom where we had attended to a tiny wound on her toe acquired on her novitiate ride of her new "Frozen" two wheeler and proceeded to recreate the scenario I had used days before. Cream was applied and she gently guided the band aid over the miniscule wound, kneeling to place a kiss on the spot while declaring "I will heal it with my special love Grandma". Off we rode to the park but not without several stops to be sure that the love had not worn off. Upon arrival, I knelt down to remove her Minnie Mouse helmet reminding Lina to lift her head so I wouldn't accidently catch her tender skin in the clasp. She replied "oh, your got my skin before when we put the helmet on but I did not tell you because I didn't want to hurt your feelings".

Do I deserve this mystical baptism of unconditional love washing me sinless from the font of innocent, childformed blessings? I do not know but I do know that I am endlessly grateful for the opportunity to bask in such a sacrament. It is that circle of life which all of us lucky enough to become a grandparent get to glory in. My prayer is to remain mindful in every moment given the two of us to participate in the rite.